Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The overlooked

 In this post, I'm going to expose a bit about my secret admiration for what most don't pay attention to.

I truly believe you can find beauty anywhere. Even in a dried up tree, or a pile of wood. 
Hope you enjoy these photos...

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Thursday, January 5, 2012


I never paid any attention to boats before moving to Maine. Here, seeing a boat in someone's yard is just so natural. I hope you enjoy these photos.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


 This whole universe of photography is so new to me, I'm not a professional photographer at all. I like to think that I am at heart though.
Some of you that know me, have seeing a couple of these pictures before.
I tend to incorporate the landscape in my portraits, to me it's only natural to tell a bit of this persons story with what surrounds them.
What would anyone be without their surrounding?

Monday, January 2, 2012

First Post

This year I’ve decided to take my photography more serious 
(new years’s resolution).
So here you will find images of my personal life as a wife, daughter, aunt and a personal photographer of my husband’s career as an artist, by the way follow him on
Hope I will be able to inspire someone as I’m inspired by images.
                                                       Thank you